When mooring a boat in a designated area (pier, wharf), protect the hull by installing a boat launching rail between the side of the boat and the pier. Securely fasten the mooring line.
When mooring a boat in an unequipped area, do not drag the hull over rocky ground, sand, gravel, or underwater rocks. The boat must be securely anchored with a mooring halyard. If it is not possible to protect the bottom of the boat from hitting nearshore or underwater rocks, the boat must be pulled ashore completely.
When launching the boat into the water, do not drag the hull over rocky surfaces, sand, gravel, underwater rocks, or other hard or abrasive surfaces.
The boat is equipped with handles on the sides and a D-arm in the bow for carrying the boat. Do not use the side lifelines and/or oars to carry the boat.
If it is necessary to leave the boat temporarily on the beach, partially lower the hull into the water to allow the inflatables to heat evenly in the sun and to avoid increasing the pressure in the cylinders.
Try to protect the hull of the boat from direct sunlight if it is necessary to leave it on the beach for an extended period of time.